Honeyed Pine Nuts

There are dozens of reasons why you should make these honeyed nuts, but there simply isn’t time to tell you about all of them. And I’m really not exaggerating—between traveling, work and family commitments and painting our house (promise I’ll explain more about that another day) I literally don’t have the time to properly convey the amount of deliciousness these easy-to-make, sweet little nut clusters will bring to your life.
I do however, have the time to make them, and so will you. It takes all of 5 minutes and consists of just two ingredients—honey and pine nuts (though you could really sub in any nut you prefer or have on hand.)
Toss them into a salad, scatter them atop a bowl of ice cream or just nibble on them by the handful, they’re a crunchy, addictive treat totally worth every one of those precious 300 seconds!!
Honeyed Pine Nuts
Makes about 1 cup of little clusters
Prep Time: 5 minutes
½ cup raw pine nuts
2 tablespoons honey
The Recipe
1. Line a small baking sheet with parchment paper and spray with nonstick cooking spray. Set aside.
2. Place the nuts and the honey in a non-stick skillet over medium heat and stir together for about 4-5 minutes, until the honey turns liquidy and the nuts get golden brown and coated. Turn out onto the prepared sheet and spread into an even layer. Let harden and then break up into little clusters.
Note: Recipe adapted from an old issue of Food and Wine Magazine. You could sub in all different kinds of nuts and also double the recipe if you want a bigger yield.