The Best of Unwritten Recipes 2021: 24 Of Our Favorites

Can you believe that 2022 is just around the corner?!! Hopefully it’ll be the year that brings us back to some sense of normalcy. Fingers crossed! But until then it’s time for my annual Best of Unwritten Recipes roundup where my home judges and I agonizingly (and sometimes tearfully) debate over the 24 best savory and sweet dishes that have come out of my kitchen over the course of the year.
A lot of classics and homey, non-fussy foods have made the list this year—probably because we were so limited in gathering and celebrating with large groups. But maybe there’s a silver lining in all of this because pretty much all of these are recipes I make all the time! Hoping you will too!
So without further ado, here are the 24 winners! And here’s to a happy, safe and healthy New Year!!xoxo
12. Our Favorite Vegetable Soup